The Early Church Old Roman Symbol
The Early Church

Statement of Christian faith stemming from baptismal practice in Rome in the second century.

The creed known as the Old Roman Symbol may have used a question and answer form

By the middle of the second century it was the practice in Rome for those being baptized to profess their faith in the form of three questions and answers concerning faith in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This creed, the so-called "Old Roman Symbol," indirectly rejects Gnosticism and Marcionism through its strong affirmation of God as the creator of the physical and historical world and through its long and specific statement on the incarnation. This Roman baptismal symbol became the basis of the Apostles' Creed which took its present form in Europe at the beginning of the middle ages. The Apostles' Creed was widely used in the domains of Charlemagne and was eventually taken into liturgical use in Rome. From Rome its use spread throughout the West.

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