How to Use the Christian History Tutor
How to Use

The Christian History Tutor is designed to provide an overview of the Christian tradition from the first century to the present. Those who are new to the study of Christian history should select the BASIC LEVEL. Those who have some background in Christian history should select the ADVANCED LEVEL.

The main menu page will allow you to select a given period of history. These are:

Early Church Middle Ages Era of Reform Global Christianity

Click on the icon for the period you wish to study.Listings called "People" "Story" and "General Knowledge" will appear. "People" and "Story" sections are organized chronologically within the places of the world where they belong or originate. "General Knowledge" applies to more than one continent.

The OVERVIEW gives a brief summary of the period. Print this out for future reference.

Work through the information for each period by clicking on items that you wish to learn about. Each information page includes a one-line summary and a paragraph of information. To work your way through the material systematically, click back to the menu after you have finished each item, and work your way down the menu. To see how items are inter-related, click on the hyperlinks. These will bring you to related items, often within the same era of Christian history, but also within other modules, including Early Church, Middle Ages, Era of Reform and Global Christianity. To re-focus your study, click back to the menu and continue working your way through it. When you have worked through the information pages for the unit, try the SELF TEST for that unit. The self-tests can be accessed by clicking on the icon at the top of the page or on the main menu.