evangelist who, through "crusades" and mass media, has preached the
gospel more widely than any person. |
Billy Graham was born
in Charlotte, North Carolina, and at age 16 was converted to faith in Christ.
He first received wide recognition during his 1949 preaching "crusade" in
Los Angeles; this led to more large urban revivals. Fundamentalists objected
to Graham's cooperation with "mainline" denominations, but Graham's call
to evangelize moved him beyond fundamentalism
into a much wider evangelicalism.
In 1956 Graham was instrumental in establishing Christianity Today,
the flagship publication for the new evangelical movement. He became the
unofficial chaplain to several U.S. Presidents. In the spirit of Edinburgh
1910, Graham and his colleagues held several world congresses on mission,
such as Lausanne 1974. The Billy Graham Association used mass mailings,
radio, T.V., satellite, and internet to reach as many people as possible
with the Gospel, contributing to Christian