Lutheran humanist, author of the Augsburg Confession, and
Lutheran reformer. |
byLucas Cranach
Already a renowned
scholar as a young man, Melanchthon taught beside Martin
Luther at the University of Wittenberg. Originally appointed to
teach Greek, Melanchthon later lectured in theology and several other
disciplines. His textbook, the Loci Communes, continues to influence
Lutheran theology to the present. Melanchthon also contributed to the
institutional development of Lutheranism, through his authorship of
the Augsburg Confession
and other confessional writings, his preparation of forms of examination
for ordinands, and instructions for visitations in Lutheran congregations.
Along with several others he assisted in the preparation of Martin Luther's
translation of the Bible into German.
His differences with Luther and his views on certain matters, including
the Holy Communion, have ever
since been controversial among Lutherans. He anticipates many currents
in later Lutheran life including Lutheran scholasticism and irenic approaches
to Roman Catholicism.