for the church of Geneva drafted by John Calvin. |
order of ministry emphasized discipline and service
After Calvin
had returned from exile to Geneva in 1541, he drafted an ecclesiastical
constitution for the city and required its approval as a condition for
again assuming the pastorate of the city. With some modifications this
draft was approved by the political authorities. This constitution set
in place a Calvinist church order. In terms consistent with Calvin's
theology, it called for a strict church discipline and a collegial ordering
of ministry with four offices. Pastors were assigned the duties
of preaching, administering the sacraments, and assisting in the exercise
of discipline. Doctors or Teachers were appointed to teach
and catechize the community. Elders were appointed to assist
the pastors in the maintenance of church discipline. Deacons
were assigned responsibility for assisting the sick and the poor. Another
prominent feature of this church order is its provision for a consistory
of pastors and elders to hear cases of church discipline. The consistory
possessed the right to excommunicate persistent sinners.