brief works designed to give instruction in the rudiments of the
Christian faith. |
page of Luther's
Small Catechism
published the Small Catechism in 1529 for the use of parents
in instructing their households. Over a period of years this work was
somewhat expanded and sometimes appeared with a variety of appendixes.
The skeleton of this brief work is created by a series of short questions
and answers, formed largely out of Scriptural passages. Six sections
cover the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer,
Baptism, Confession,
and Holy Communion. Luther
published the Large Catechism, also in 1529, for the use of pastors
and others who would give more extensive instruction in the Christian
faith. It follows the same order as the Small Catechism. Both
Catechisms are included in the Lutheran confessional corpus,
The Book of Concord.