Christian History Tutor offers an opportunity to learn about Christian
tradition through independent study and interactive self-testing.
It is an ecumenical study tool that appeals to a broad range of
learners. Tips on how best to use the program are given in the
section on “How To Use.”
The Christian History Tutor is made up of pages that summarize
the most important information about people, places, and stories
in Christian history. Most pages begin with a one-line summary
that helps users quickly identify the most significant features
of a given person or story. Additional information is given in
one or more short paragraphs that include hyperlinks to other
pages of the Christian History Tutor, so that users can easily
move back and forth between related items. Visuals on most pages
illustrate key themes, events and people important to Christian
history . Self-tests allow
users to check their progress in historical time periods.
Development of the Christian History Tutor began at Luther Seminary
in 1999. The program was initially designed to help students preparing
for ministry gain a basic working knowledge of Christian history.
This program is being used in an online class taught by Professor
Nancy Koester at Luther Seminary. The CD-ROM version of The Christian
History Tutor was developed to make using the program more convenient
for students and teachers alike. Refinement of The Christian History
Tutor continues and enhanced versions will be available in the