of early Christian life and thought in Syria, place where the name
"Christian" was first used, and cradle of global mission. |
Ancient mosaic from Antioch
According to the
New Testament Palestinian Christians brought the Gospel to Antioch very
early and preached there to both Jews and Gentiles. Here the followers
of Jesus were first called "Christian." The first mission to Gentiles
that did not demand circumcision was organized at Antioch. Local leaders
of this church commissioned Paul and Barnabas to undertake their mission
to Cyprus and Asia Minor and representatives of the Antiochene church
were present at the council in Jerusalem. Traditions according a unique
role of leadership to the Apostle Peter also early emanated from Antioch.
In the early second century the bishop and theologian Ignatius
of Antioch argued for both the integrity and the unity of the divine
and the human in Christ. Ignatius also emphasized the importance of church
order and is one of the progenitors of the monarchical episcopate of the
early catholic church. Modern scholars have associated the name of this
city with the so-called Antiochene
theology. Antioch was sacked by Persians in 540 and overrun by Arabs
in the seventh century, but an Antiochian Orthodox Church exists to the