American revivalist and proponent of free will theology. |
Finney was an apprentice
lawyer in New York State when a dramatic conversion experience convinced
him to become a preacher. Finney developed an evangelistic strategy known
as the "new measures," which included the "anxious bench," where sinners
publicly sought conversion. In his 1835 Lectures on Revivals of Religion,
Finney declared that the right revival techniques could produce new Christians
as surely as good farming methods produce a harvest. Finney's revivals
thereby differed from the eighteenth century Great
Awakening, whose leaders believed that God sent revivals without human
effort. Though ordained a Presbyterian, Finney opposed doctrines of Puritanism,
such as divine sovereignty, limited atonement, and the bondage of the
human will. Instead he preached freedom of the will, salvation, personal
holiness, and the perfection of society. He urged Christians to prepare
the world for Christ's return. Finney served as a professor and then president
of Oberlin College, in Ohio, which became a center of abolitionism.
He strongly shaped nineteenth-century
American evangelicalism.