reformer of the city of Zurich and mentor of the Reformed tradition. |
by Hans Usper
Huldrych Zwingli
was the reformer of the Swiss city of Zurich. For Zurich, Zwingli created
a a simple form of worship designed to focus on preaching, baptism,
and the Lord's Supper. He
also provided the city with a church order in which lay Christians and
ministers together governed the church. Zwingli was greatly concerned
with the eradication of idolatry in worship. Under his leadership, Zurich
became a model for the democratic enactment of municipal reform. Zwingli
taught a basic early Protestantism centered on justification by faith,
preaching, and the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper. He emphasized
the authority of the written word of Scripture and the disciplined pursuit
of the Christian life. He saw baptism as an act of initiation into the
Christian community and the Lord's Supper primarily as a thanksgiving
or eucharist and a memorial celebration of the symbolic presence of
Christ. In this he differed with Martin
Luther who came to argue for a more substantial reality of Christ
in the Supper. Zwingli's differences with Luther were expressed publicly
at the Marburg Colloquy
of 1529.