orthodox teaching that the Godhead is one undivided essence and three
distinct persons. |
Symbol of the Trinity:
three persons, one essence
series of theological disputes arose in response to late second-century
which opposed the Trinitarian concept in the interests of affirming the
unity of the Godhead. Dynamic or
adoptionist monarchianism held that Jesus was a mere
man and that the powers of Christ had been bestowed on him at baptism.
Paul of Samosata (third century), bishop of Antioch,
propagated this view. Against this, orthodox teachers argued that the
Son and the Father were homoousios or
of "one substance." Modal monarchianism
asserted that God was an undivided unity who expressed himself at
different, successive times in three different modes. Sabellius (third
century) taught this opinion. Against modal monarchianism, orthodox teachers
argued that there were three distinct persons in the Godhead. Against
both forms of monarchianism, orthodox teachers held that Christ had been
born from eternity.
The threat of heretical
teaching with regard to the Trinity was renewed in the fourth century
with the appearance of Arianism
which taught that the Son was a created being, subordinate to the Father.
This teaching was condemned at the Council
of Nicea I
(325). This council emphasized that the Father and the Son were
"of one substance." This was nevertheless disputed throughout the
fourth century, and some Christians were of the Arian persuasion well
into the middle ages. Athanasius of Alexandria
was the principal opponent of Arianism and instrumental in the victory
of Nicene orthodoxy in credal terms, at least, at the Council
of Constantinople I
thus secured the foundations of the doctrine of the Trinity. He did not,
however, speak of three "persons" in the Godhead, preferring rather to
think of the Trinity in terms of divine activity. It remained for the
hearkening back to Origen and Tertullian, to set in place the vocabulary
of the orthodox teaching concerning the Trinity. To accomplish this, the
Cappadocians complemented the term homoousios
or "one substance" with the term hypostasis for each of the
three "persons" of the Trinity. Thus Christians in both East and West
learned to speak of the Godhead as having one, undivided essence and three